DMTea Ceremony Case


Caso da Ceremônia d-O Chá Ayahuasca en Kyoto - O Primeiro Julgamento para a Planta DMT no Japão -

O que é chá, ferver água, colocar plantas, beber o chá.[*1]

- Sen no Rikyū[*2]

This essay is temporary written in English and Japanese. These texts will be translated to Portuguese.


Bhodhisattva - The 1st Trial -

Author's point of view[*3]






Why DMT?

Tea and Zen are of One Taste - The 2nd and 4th Trial -

E pur si Muove -The Third Trial -

Fifth and Subsequent Trials

Ayahasca as Tea Ceremony

This is an essay based on actual case. English texts are powered by Google translate.

I am writing this manuscript in Japanese, and I am translating these texts into English by myself - powered by Google translate -. I have the copyright of these texts written in Japanese and English . These texts will be translated into Portuguese.

Copyright 16-09-2020/2563 JST
Last Revsed 07-07-2021/2564 JST
(C) Tatsu HIrukawa

*1:Centro de Chado Urasenke do Brasil. Rikkyu Hyakushu - 100 Poemas de Rikkyu - Rikyu Doka.

*2:1522-1591, the founder of tea ceremony in Japan.

*3:This text is not be ready to translate to Portuguese. Under construction for delete redundant parts.