DMTea Ceremony Case



南方録 ー回想ー  


Everyone has Nothingness ver. 2.0


Kyoto DMTea Ceremony Case / 京都アヤワスカ茶会裁判

Kyoto District Court / 京都地方裁判所 Kyoto DMTea Ceremony Case - The First Trial to Judge Ayahuasca in Japan - (English) Caso da Cerimônia do Chá Ayahuasca en Kyoto - O Primeiro Julgamento para a Planta DMT no Japão - (Português) 京都アヤ…

Everything has Nothing - The First Interview -

(This text is automatically translated powered by Google translate.)Suburbs of Kyoto.Year 2020, Buddhist calendar 2563, June 21st.First of all, I would like to talk to the accused. He was detained in a small town away from downtown Kyoto.D…

本来無一物 ー第一回接見ー


Everyone has nothingness -The First Interview-

Everyone has Nothingness -The First Interview - First of all, I would like to talk to the accused. He was detained in a town called Tanabe, away from the city of Kyoto.Due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, Japan was under a s…

平常無事 ーエピローグー


A Sabedoria da Bebedeira

English translation is under construction powered by Google translate.)Kyotanabe City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan.28th July 2020 in Christian Era, AD, 2563 in Buddhist Era.The second interview was realized in July. The accused was released on…

菩薩 —初公判ー


茶禅一味 ー第二回公判ー

京都。西暦2020年、仏暦2563年7月20日。 今日も京都は暑い。私は、ボディーチェックを受けて、裁判所に入った。法廷では、iPhoneを使って録音することは禁止されている。 裁判長が開廷を宣言した。検察官が罪状を読み上げた。「被告人は京都で茶会を催した。…

Tristes Tropiques - My Voyage -

"I hate travel and explorers, and now I'm talking about my expedition." [*1] At the beginning of, I agree with you. I don't want to entertain people with the fact that the natives of the Amazon jungle are drinking the strongest hallucinoge…

酔生夢死 ー第二回接見ー


Tea and Zen are of One Taste - The Second Trial -

Kyoto, Japan - the antipodal point of Porto Alegre.20th July 2020 in the Christian Era, 2563 in Buddhist Era. Kyoto District Court.Japan is midsummer. Kyoto is so hot.It is prohibited to record there. The judge declared the sitting of the …

Drink a Cup of The Tea -Arrest-

No fixed address.3rd. March 2020 in the Christian Era, 2543 in the Buddhist Era.A small hut built in the forest.8 o'clock in the morning, two policemen and a detective arrived at the hut.There was no intercom at the entrance of the hut. A …

Kyoto DMTea Ceremony Case

This is the first case of ayahuasca tea in court in Japan. (This text is under construction.) CASE 1 In July 2019, a college student in Kyoto, Japan, who may had been suffering from treatment resistant depression, He wanted change his worl…

Bodhisattva - The First Trial -

Kyoto, Japan.The antipodal point of Porto Alegre.Kyoto is an old capital in Japan, from 8th to 19th century. The city was built in a basin surrounded by mountains to prevent from evil forces. Honestly speaking, it is not comfortable to liv…