DMTea Ceremony Case




DMTは多くの植物に含まれており、飲用されている ヤマハギ茶にはDMTが含まれており、薬草茶として用いられてきた ミカンやレモンにはDMTが含まれている 尿中に排出されるDMTについて 経口摂取したDMTは1日以内にほとんど排出される DMTは哺乳類の脳内で生合…

Saudade do Brazil

Peru Brazil "I hate traveling and explorers. Yet here I am proposing to tell the stories of my expeditions." [*1] -The beginning of the well-known "Sad Tropical", but I agree.I don't want to entertain people with the fact that the natives …

Fifth and subsequent trials

The four trials, from the fifth trial in November 2020 to the eighth trial in March 2021 (scheduled to take place), will end with a brief exchange between the prosecution and the defense. , The stalemate continues.From January 8th to March…

Author's point of view

In an emergency situation due to COVID-19 infection, Japan's first trial over the legality of Ayahuasca has begun.However, even if you tell most Japanese about this, almost no one knows about the hallucinogenic plants used by the indigenou…