DMTea Ceremony Case


Kyoto DMTea Ceremony Case -The First Trial to Judge Ayahuasca in Japan -

What tea is, boiling water, putting plants, drinking it.

- Sen no Rikyū[*1]


Bodhisattva - The First Trial

Author's point of view

Kyoto DMTea Ceremony Case

Kyoto DMTea Ceremony Case -Time series of events-

Issues in the Kyoto Ayahuasca Tea Ceremony Trial

Saudade do Brasil - My Voyage -

Everything has Nothingness - The First Interview -

Drunk Days, Dream Death - The Second Interview -

Why DMT?

Tea and Zen are of One Taste -The Second and Fourth Trial -

E pur si Muove -The Third Trial -

Fifth and subsequent trials

Ayahasca as Tea Ceremony

This is an essay based on actual case. English texts are powered by Google translate.

I am writing this manuscript in Japanese, and I am translating these texts into English by myself - powered by Google translate -. I have the copyright of these texts written in Japanese and English . These texts will be translated into Portuguese. In January of the next year, a book collected papers on globalization of ayahuasca tea in post modern world, will be published in Brazil. These texts are the manuscript preparing for one chapter of the book.

Copyright 16-09-2020/2563 JST
Last Revsed 21-03-2021/2564 JST
(C) Tatsu HIrukawa

*1:1522-1591, the founder of tea ceremony in Japan.